Our mission is to help kids diagnosed with Autism and their
families, overcome the dire medical and financial challenges To undertake this life changing mission, we joined with the
who offers the most advanced rehabilitation programs based
on cutting edge neuroscience technologies
The organization holds federal and state certifications
and has been providing healthcare services for 25 years
Without your ongoing contribution, we would not be able to support those in need, educate and raise awareness.
To read more about the provided rehabilitation services, visit Apex, The Center for Autism & Communication Disorders
Founded in 2017 by Tzippy Holand alongside Dror Meshulam, Bridge of Love is a non-profit organization established with a mission to provide support to our Jewish community at home and beyond. Having experienced and witnessed firsthand the impacts of hardship, our commitment to community is derived from the desire to do good and the growing demand for access to resources by Jewish families and individuals who seek a sense of belonging and are in need of a helping hand.
We’d like to thank our supporters–whether direct or behind the scenes–we see you and appreciate your ongoing commitment to our support. Thank you for being an integral part of our endeavors.
Samsa was a travelling salesman and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustration
Samsa was a travelling salesman and above it there hung a picture.
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